Background Location Services not working in iOS 7

Here is the solution that I used to get continuous location from iOS 7 devices no matter it is in foreground or background. You may find the full solution and explanation from blog and also github:- Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and 8 Github Project: Background Location Update Programming for iOS 7 and … Read more

What is the Xcode “Background Processing” Background Mode?

There is no documentation yet. But in WWDC2019, they explain what it is and how to use it. Here is the link: Apple WWDC 2019 Say like you wanted to clean up your database in background to delete old records. First, you have to enable background processing in your Background Modes Capabilities. Then in your … Read more

iOS 13 – WkWebView: audio stops when in background

I guess you are using Capacitor. I’m running into the same issue as you and it looks like the last error about ‘no background task exists’ has something to do with Capacitor’s BackgroundTask Plugin, wether you’re using it or not (BackgroundTask.swift) It’s clear something changed between iOS 12 and iOS 13, but so far haven’t … Read more

Periodic iOS background location updates

It seems that stopUpdatingLocation is what triggers the background watchdog timer, so I replaced it in didUpdateLocation with: [self.locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers]; [self.locationManager setDistanceFilter:99999]; which appears to effectively power down the GPS. The selector for the background NSTimer then becomes: – (void) changeAccuracy { [self.locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyBest]; [self.locationManager setDistanceFilter:kCLDistanceFilterNone]; } All I’m doing is periodically toggling the accuracy … Read more