innerText vs outerText

innerText changes only text within HTML tags, e.g. <div> <p>Change Me</p> </div> p.innerText = “Changed!” Becomes <div> <p>Changed!</p> </div> Whereas outerText: <div> <p>Change Me</p> </div> p.outerText = “Changed!” Becomes <div> Changed! </div>

Javascript .querySelector find by innerTEXT

OP’s question is about plain JavaScript and not jQuery. Although there are plenty of answers and I like @Pawan Nogariya answer, please check this alternative out. You can use XPATH in JavaScript. More info on the MDN article here. The document.evaluate() method evaluates an XPATH query/expression. So you can pass XPATH expressions there, traverse into … Read more

How to get element by innerText

You could use xpath to accomplish this var xpath = “//a[text()=’SearchingText’]”; var matchingElement = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; You can also search of an element containing some text using this xpath: var xpath = “//a[contains(text(),’Searching’)]”;

Difference between innerText, innerHTML and value?

The examples below refer to the following HTML snippet: <div id=”test”> Warning: This element contains <code>code</code> and <strong>strong language</strong>. </div> The node will be referenced by the following JavaScript: var x = document.getElementById(‘test’); element.innerHTML Sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element’s descendants x.innerHTML // => ” // => Warning: This element contains <code>code</code> … Read more
