Problem mapping HttpHandler –> HTTP Error 404 Not Found

Are you using IIS7, if so is the application pool running in classic or pipelined mode? If it is IIS7 in pipelined mode then the handler reference needs to go into the following section <system.webServer> <handlers> </handlers> <system.webServer> rather than in the following section. <system.web> <httpHandlers> </httpHandlers> </system.web>

using Plupload with ASP.NET/C#

Here’s a full working example I wrote for you: <%@ Page Title=”Home Page” Language=”C#” %> <%@ Import Namespace=”System.IO” %> <script runat=”server” type=”text/c#”> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check to see whether there are uploaded files to process them if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { int chunk = Request[“chunk”] != null ? int.Parse(Request[“chunk”]) : … Read more

What is an HttpHandler in ASP.NET

In the simplest terms, an ASP.NET HttpHandler is a class that implements the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface. ASP.NET HTTPHandlers are responsible for intercepting requests made to your ASP.NET web application server. They run as processes in response to a request made to the ASP.NET Site. The most common handler is an ASP.NET page handler that processes .aspx … Read more

IHttpHandler vs IHttpModule

An ASP.NET HTTP handler is the process (frequently referred to as the “endpoint”) that runs in response to a request made to an ASP.NET Web application. The most common handler is an ASP.NET page handler that processes .aspx files. When users request an .aspx file, the request is processed by the page through the page … Read more

Significance of bool IsReusable in http handler interface

The normal entry point for a handler is the ProcessRequest method. However you may have code in the class constructor which puts together some instance values which are expensive to build. If you specify Reusable to be true the application can cache the instance and reuse it in another request by simply calling its ProcessRequest … Read more