Angular JS does not allow preventDefault or return false to work on form submission

I know I am pretty late to the party, but in case you did not figure it out yet, you can keep the action and make sure the form is not actually submitted by passing $event to the ng-submit function. Then you can use event.preventDefault(); in your controller after you do all your processing. So … Read more

check POST request with Fiddler

The simplest way to do this is to have Fiddler capture an instance of this request and drag/drop that session onto the Request builder. But generating a post yourself isn’t hard. Set the RequestBuilder’s method to POST, add a header: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded And put in the Request Body the text of the post: accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE&[email protected]&Passwd=yourpassword&service=finance&source=test-test-.01

How to simulate POST request?

It would be helpful if you provided more information – e.g. what OS your using, what you want to accomplish, etc. But, generally speaking cURL is a very powerful command-line tool I frequently use (in linux) for imitating HTML requests: For example: curl –data “post1=value1&post2=value2&etc=valetc” http://host/resource OR, for a RESTful API: curl -X POST -d … Read more

jQuery non-AJAX POST

Tidied Darin’s excellent solution slightly. function myFunction(action, method, input) { ‘use strict’; var form; form = $(‘<form />’, { action: action, method: method, style: ‘display: none;’ }); if (typeof input !== ‘undefined’ && input !== null) { $.each(input, function (name, value) { $(‘<input />’, { type: ‘hidden’, name: name, value: value }).appendTo(form); }); } form.appendTo(‘body’).submit(); … Read more

What are the advantages of using a GET request over a POST request?

I generally set up the question as thus: Does anything important change after the request? (Logging and the like notwithstanding). If it does, it should be a POST request, if it doesn’t, it should be a GET request. I’m glad that you call POST requests “slightly” more secure, because that’s pretty much what they are; … Read more

Go gin get request body json

If you only want to pass the request body JSON to Redis as a value, then you do not need to bind the JSON to a value. Read the raw JSON from the request body directly and just pass it through: jsonData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body) if err != nil { // Handle error } err … Read more

How can I make a JSON POST request with LWP?

You’ll need to construct the HTTP request manually and pass that to LWP. Something like the following should do it: my $uri = ‘’; my $json = ‘{“username”:”foo”,”password”:”bar”}’; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( ‘POST’, $uri ); $req->header( ‘Content-Type’ => ‘application/json’ ); $req->content( $json ); Then you can execute the request with LWP: my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new; … Read more

TypeError: b’1′ is not JSON serializable

This is happening because you’re passing a bytes object in the data dict (b’1′, specifically), probably as the value of index. You need to decode it to a str object before json.dumps can work with it: data = { “body”: email.decode(‘utf-8’), “query_id”: index.decode(‘utf-8’), # decode it here “debug”: 1, “client_id”: “1”, “campaign_id”: 1, “meta”: {“content_type”: … Read more