multiple selections with datalist

Multiple currently working only with input type=”email” and only in Chrome and Opera Look at this minimalist example: input{width:500px} <input type=”email” list=”emails” multiple> <datalist id=”emails”> <option value=”[email protected]”> <option value=”[email protected]”> <option value=”[email protected]”> <option value=”[email protected]”> </datalist> <br><br><br> <input type=”text” list=”texts” multiple> <datalist id=”texts”> <option value=”black”> <option value=”gold”> <option value=”grey”> <option value=”pink”> <option value=”turquoise”> <option value=”red”> <option value=”white”> … Read more

Is it possible to style the drop-down suggestions when using HTML5 ?

Styling datalist with CSS only is not possible across browsers. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Edge apply basic styling to the input[list] element, but neither to datalist, nor to its option child elements. See CodePen example. Citing from MDN “Styling HTML forms – the ugly”: Some elements simply can’t be styled using CSS. These include: … Read more

HTML datalist values from array in JavaScript

This is an old question and already sufficiently answered, but I’m going to throw the DOM method in here anyway for anyone that doesn’t like to use literal HTML. <input name=”car” list=”anrede” /> <datalist id=”anrede”></datalist> <script> var mycars = [‘Herr’,’Frau’]; var list = document.getElementById(‘anrede’); mycars.forEach(function(item){ var option = document.createElement(‘option’); option.value = item; list.appendChild(option); }); </script> … Read more

How to display only the text in datalist HTML5 and not the value?

Edit, updated Following Regent Try (v3) html <input id=”selected” list=”browsers” name=”browser”> <datalist id=”browsers”> <option data-value=”InternetExplorer” value=”1″></option> <option data-value=”Firefox” value=”2″></option> <option data-value=”Chrome” value=”3″></option> <option data-value=”Opera” value=”4″></option> <option data-value=”Safari” value=”5″></option> </datalist> <input id=”submit” type=”submit”> js $(document).ready(function() { var data = {}; $(“#browsers option”).each(function(i,el) { data[$(el).data(“value”)] = $(el).val(); }); // `data` : object of `data-value` : `value` console.log(data, … Read more

Use HTML5 (datalist) autocomplete with ‘contains’ approach, not just ‘starts with’

‘contains’ approach Maybe this is what you are looking for (part 1 of your question). It goes with the limitation of “starts with” and changes when a selection is made. ‘use strict’; function updateList(that) { if (!that) { return; } var lastValue = that.lastValue, value = that.value, array = [], pos = value.indexOf(‘|’), start = … Read more

Perform action when clicking HTML5 datalist option

Sorry for digging up this question, but I’ve had a similar problem and have a solution, that should work for you, too. function onInput() { var val = document.getElementById(“input”).value; var opts = document.getElementById(‘dlist’).childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) { if (opts[i].value === val) { // An item was selected from the … Read more
