How to iterate through google multimap

Google Collections (now Guava) is a Java 1.5 library… even ignoring the lack of generics in Java 1.4, it likely uses things that were added in 1.5, making it incompatible. That said, there are various ways to iterate through a Multimap. By key, collection pairs in Java8: multimap.asMap().forEach((key, collection) -> {…}); Iterate through all values: … Read more

Google guava vs Scala collection framework comparison

Google Guava is a fantastic library, there’s no doubt about it. However, it’s implemented in Java and suffers from all the restrictions that that implies: No immutable collection interface in the standard library No lambda literals (closures), so there’s some heavy boilerplate around the SAM types needed for e.g. predicates lots of duplication in type … Read more

When to use an Event Bus? [closed]

Here is the problem statement that EventBus solves in a nutshell: “I want an easy, centralized way to notify code that’s interested in specific types of events when those events occur without any direct coupling between the code that publishes an event and the code that receives it.” When you say “the business logic for … Read more

Is there a corresponding immutable enumMap in guava?

Guava contributor here. Guava doesn’t currently have an ImmutableEnumMap variant, but if it did, it would probably just be a wrapper around an EnumMap. (That said, slightly better immutable implementations are possible.) EnumMap will perform better than the basic ImmutableMap, in any event; it’s difficult or impossible to beat. (I’ll file an issue to investigate … Read more

How is Guava Splitter.onPattern(..).split() different from String.split(..)?

You found a bug! System.out.println(s.split(“abc82”)); // [abc, 8] System.out.println(s.split(“abc8”)); // [abc] This is the method that Splitter uses to actually split Strings (Splitter.SplittingIterator::computeNext): @Override protected String computeNext() { /* * The returned string will be from the end of the last match to the * beginning of the next one. nextStart is the start position … Read more

Simplest way to iterate through a Multiset in the order of element frequency?

I just added this feature to Guava, see here for the Javadoc. Edit: usage example of Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst() as per the original question: Multiset<DeviceType> histogram = getDeviceStats(); for (DeviceType type : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(histogram).elementSet()) { System.out.println(type + “: ” + histogram.count(type)); }

no such method error: ImmutableList.copyOf()

Guava is a fully compatible superset of Google Collections — we did not change anything in an incompatible way. (This is tested by running the entire Google Collections test suite (which is extensive) against the lastest guava jar.) I believe you have a copy of google-collect-*.jar still makings its way into your classpath. Either explicitly, … Read more

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