How do I get DOT to display an image for a node?

Using a graphviz snapshot from May 2011 (2.29), the following syntax digraph g{ imgnode[image=”apple-touch-icon.png”, label=””]; } results in You’ll need to set an empty label to prevent the node name from being displayed. If this is not working for you, you may check the output of dot (something like dot -Tpng -o graph.png graph.gv) – … Read more

Straight edge between clusters in Graphviz

The easiest way to achieve this is to add splines=false to the dot file – this forces the rendering of the edges to be straight lines: digraph { splines=false; subgraph clusterX { A; B; } subgraph clusterY { C; D; } A -> B; B -> C [constraint=false]; C -> D [label=yadda]; } Output:

graphviz: Create new node with this same label

You could define your nodes explicitly and set the label for them. Then each node has an unique id, but can have the same labels. Consider this example: strict graph G { 1 [label=”A”]; 2 [label=”B”]; 3 [label=”B”]; 4 [label=”A”]; 1 — 2; 2 — 3; 3 — 4; } which will output (with dot):

Graphviz .dot node ordering

Here’s how I’d write that graph: First of all, to me this is a graph which goes from top to bottom, not left to right, therefore I removed the rankdir=LR and added rank=same only for nodes 0/1 and nodes 2/3. I removed all the weights Most importantly, I added constraint=false to the edges going against … Read more

GraphViz – How to have a subgraph be left-to-right when main graph is top-to-bottom?

The trick to get the graph you described is to use two subgraphs and link from one to the other. The invisible edges in “details” are what keep the notes aligned. digraph { rankdir=”LR”; subgraph steps { rank=”same”; “Step1” -> “Step2” -> “Step3″; } subgraph details { rank=”same”; edge[style=”invisible”,dir=”none”]; “note1” -> “note2” -> “note3” -> … Read more

Automatic multiline labels in Graphviz?

Yes, HTML-like labels (<…>) support tag, using which you can break the lines. E.g. “A” -> “B” [label = <1. <br/> 2. <br/> 3. <br/> 4. <br/> …. <br/> > color=”blue” style=”dashed”]; These also work when embedding Graphviz in LaTeX, where \n would not.
