Gradle build without tests
You should use the -x command line argument which excludes any task. Try: gradle build -x test Update: The link in Peter’s comment changed. Here is the diagram from the Gradle user’s guide
You should use the -x command line argument which excludes any task. Try: gradle build -x test Update: The link in Peter’s comment changed. Here is the diagram from the Gradle user’s guide
Your compile SDK version must match the support library’s major version. Since you are using version 23 of the support library, you need to compile against version 23 of the Android SDK. Alternatively you can continue compiling against version 22 of the Android SDK by switching to the latest support library v22.
Generally, you can refresh dependencies in your cache with the command line option –refresh-dependencies. You can also delete the cached files under ~/.gradle/caches. With the next build Gradle would attempt to download them again. What is your specific use case? Do you use dynamic dependency versions or SNAPSHOT versions? On Unix systems, you can delete … Read more
I’ve been struggling with the same thing for many hours, trying to get the Gson jar to work no less. I finally cracked it – here are the steps I took: Put the Gson jar (in my case, gson-2.2.4.jar) into the libs folder Right click it and hit ‘Add as library’ Ensure that compile files(‘libs/gson-2.2.4.jar’) … Read more
tl;dr Just replace: compile with implementation (if you don’t need transitivity) or api (if you need transitivity) testCompile with testImplementation debugCompile with debugImplementation androidTestCompile with androidTestImplementation compileOnly is still valid. It was added in 3.0 to replace provided and not compile. (provided introduced when Gradle didn’t have a configuration name for that use-case and named … Read more
Short Answer Gradle is a build system. Long Answer Before Android Studio you were using Eclipse for your development purposes, and, chances are, you didn’t know how to build your Android APK without Eclipse. You can do this on the command line, but you have to learn what each tool (dx and AAPT) does in … Read more