How to get all places (or specific type of place such as a restaurant) in a city or country with Google Places API?

Unfortunately you can’t get more than 60 results from the Google Places API; at least not without breaking the terms of service: Unless you have received prior written authorization from Google (or, as applicable, from the provider of particular Content), you must not: (d) use the Products in a manner that gives you or any … Read more

Google places API – popular times [closed]

As of now (2016-12-15), no, as can be found at There’s no other API for that information. You could use the API ratings return to do something alike, but still not the same. You can track the existing requests for the feature (and star & bump it) at

Detect the nearest transit stop from the given location

Well, you could use the places-API to find the nearest transit-stops, it works fine for me for the given location. Just do a request with the parameters: location (latlng-object of the given location) radius(radius to search for in meters) types(array of valid types, e.g. [‘bus_station’,’subway_station’]) Checkout the fiddle: For retrieving further details(bus service No, … Read more

What is a good, unlimited alternative to Google Places API? [closed]

First up, I hope you know that you can bump your Places API quota from 1,000 queries/day up to 100,000 queries/day just by verifying your identity? This doesn’t cost anything. And if even 100,000 QPD are not enough, you can purchase a Google Places API for Business license. But to actually answer your question, I’m … Read more

Show Current Location and Nearby Places and Route between two places using Google Maps API in Android

First go through this tutorial for getting familiar with Android Google Maps and this for API 2. To retrive the current location of device see this answer or this another answer and for API 2 Then you can get places near by your location using Google Place API and for use of Place Api see … Read more

Android Place Picker closes immediately after launch

Francois Wouts’ solutions helped answer this. Thank you Francois… I searched the logs with keyword ‘Places’ and found that Places API was indeed throwing an exception. It expected the within the <application> tags in the Manifest.xml. I had changed to in the <activity> tag and not the one in the <application> tag. Now … Read more

get Lat Lang from a place_id returned by autocomplete place api

The following code snippet which uses Google Places API for android worked for me Places.GeoDataApi.getPlaceById(mGoogleApiClient, placeId) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PlaceBuffer>() { @Override public void onResult(PlaceBuffer places) { if (places.getStatus().isSuccess()) { final Place myPlace = places.get(0); LatLng queriedLocation = myPlace.getLatLng(); Log.v(“Latitude is”, “” + queriedLocation.latitude); Log.v(“Longitude is”, “” + queriedLocation.longitude); } places.release(); } }); Visit Google Places API … Read more

Google Place API – No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘null’ is therefore not allowed access [duplicate]

I got it working after finding answer by @sideshowbarker here: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource—when trying to get data from a REST API And then used this approach to get it working: const proxyurl = “”; const url = “${latitude},${longitude}&radius=500&key=[API KEY]”; // site that doesn’t send Access-Control-* fetch(proxyurl + url) // … Read more