Git rm several files?

You can give wildcards to git rm. e.g. git rm *.c Or you can just write down the names of all the files in another file, say filesToRemove.txt: path/to/file.c path/to/another/file2.c path/to/some/other/file3.c You can automate this: find . -name ‘*.c’ > filesToRemove.txt Open the file and review the names (to make sure it’s alright). Then: cat … Read more

Completely remove files from Git repo and remote on GitHub

This is what you’re looking for: ignoring doesn’t remove a file. I suggest you read that page, but here’s the specific command to use: git filter-branch –index-filter \ ‘git rm -r –cached –ignore-unmatch <file/dir>’ HEAD Also, to remove all the deleted files from caches git creates, use: rm -rf .git/refs/original/ && \ git reflog expire … Read more

How to ignore files which are in repository?

If the file is still displayed in the status, even though it is in the .gitignore, make sure it isn’t already tracked. git rm –cached config.php If you just want to ignore it locally, you could also make it ignored by the git status: git update-index –assume-unchanged config.php As commented, do note that using –assume-unchanged … Read more

Git: How to remove file from index without deleting files from any repository

I do not think a Git commit can record an intention like “stop tracking this file, but do not delete it”. Enacting such an intention will require intervention outside Git in any repositories that merge (or rebase onto) a commit that deletes the file. Save a Copy, Apply Deletion, Restore Probably the easiest thing to … Read more
