HTML5 getUserMedia record webcam, both audio and video

MediaStreamRecorder is a WebRTC API for recording getUserMedia() streams( still under implementation) . It allows web apps to create a file from a live audio/video session. <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”> function onVideoFail(e) { console.log(‘webcam fail!’, e); }; function hasGetUserMedia() { // Note: Opera is unprefixed. return !!(navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia); } if (hasGetUserMedia()) … Read more

Change sample rate of AudioContext (getUserMedia)

As far as I know, there is no way to change the sample rate within an audio context. The sample rate will usually be the sample rate of your recording device and will stay that way. So you will not be able to write something like this: var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); var resampler = new … Read more

Converting WAV to any compressed audio format in client-side JavaScript

I’ve made an audio recorder that records to mp3 directly from the browser combining RecorderJS and libmp3lame.js You can find the gitHub project here: and a more detailed explanation of the implementation:

getUserMedia() in chrome 47 without using https

getUserMedia allows you to listen in to the private conversations of the user. If it were enabled over unencrypted HTTP, this would allow an attacker to inject code that listens in and sends the conversations to the attacker. For example, if you if you are in a private conference room of a hotel with unencrypted … Read more

Is it possible to control the camera light on a phone via a website?

Here is a little “torch-app” for a website: Edit 1: I also made a jsfiddle //Test browser support const SUPPORTS_MEDIA_DEVICES = ‘mediaDevices’ in navigator; if (SUPPORTS_MEDIA_DEVICES) { //Get the environment camera (usually the second one) navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(devices => { const cameras = devices.filter((device) => device.kind === ‘videoinput’); if (cameras.length === 0) { throw ‘No camera found … Read more

Turn off webcam/camera after using getUserMedia [duplicate]

localstream.stop() has been depreciated and no longer works. See this question and answer: Stop/Close webcam which is opened by navigator.getUserMedia And this link: Essentially you change localstream.stop() to localstream.getTracks()[0].stop(); Here’s the source in the question updated: <html> <head> <script> var console = { log: function(msg) { div.innerHTML += “<p>” + msg + “</p>”; } … Read more

Sending a MediaStream to host Server with WebRTC after it is captured by getUserMedia

You cannot upload the live stream itself while it is running. This is because it is a LIVE stream. So, this leaves you with a handful options. Record the audio stream using one of the many recorders out there RecordRTC works fairly well. Wait until the stream is completed and then upload the file. Send … Read more

reprompt for permissions with getUserMedia() after initial denial

jeffreyveon’s answer will help reduce the chance that your user will choose deny, since she will only have to choose once. In case she does click deny, you can provide a message that explains why you need the permission and how to update her choice. For example: navigator.getUserMedia ( // constraints { video: true, audio: … Read more