How to forward typedef’d struct in .h

Move the typedef struct Preprocessor Prepro; to the header the file and the definition in the c file along with the Prepro_init definition. This is will forward declare it for you with no issues. Preprocessor.h #ifndef _PREPROCESSOR_H_ #define _PREPROCESSOR_H_ #define MAX_FILES 15 typedef struct Preprocessor Prepro; void Prepro_init(Prepro* p); #endif Preprocessor.c #include “Preprocessor.h” #include <stdio.h> … Read more

Managing forward declarations

It sounds like these classes are fairly common to much of your project. You might try some of these: Do your best to break apart ProjectForwards.h into several files as you suggested. Make sure each subsystem only gets the declarations it truly needs. If nothing else, that process will force you to think about the … Read more

Why can’t I use a Javascript function before its definition inside a try block?

Firefox interprets function statements differently and apparently they broke declaration hoisting for the function declaration. ( A good read about named functions / declaration vs expression ) Why does Firefox interpret statements differently is because of the following code: if ( true ) { function test(){alert(“YAY”);} } else { function test(){alert(“FAIL”);} } test(); // should … Read more

Forward declaration as struct vs class

struct and class are completely interchangeable as far as forward declarations are concerned. Even for definitions, they only affect the default access specifier of the objects members, everything else is equivalent. You always define “classes” of objects. The only place where struct must be used over class, is when forward declaring opaque data for c … Read more

What is a parameter forward declaration?

This form of function definition: void fun(int i; int i) { } uses a GNU C extension called the parameter forward declaration feature. This feature allows you to have parameter forward declarations before the actual list of parameters. This can be used for example for functions with variable length array parameters to declare a … Read more

What is the header?

It’s so you can declare, in your own headers, methods that rely on the declarations of iostream types without having to #include the iostream headers themselves, which are large, complex and slow to compile against. Here’s a simple example: // foo.h #include <iosfwd> void sucker(std::iostream& is);   // #include <iostream> void sucker(std::iostream& is) { … Read more
