Using relative positions in Excel formulas

You can use either =OFFSET(F12,-1,0)+OFFSET(F12,0,-2)-OFFSET(F12,0,-1), or =INDIRECT(“F11”,true)+INDIRECT(“D12”,true)-INDIRECT(“E12”,true) =INDIRECT(“R11C6”,false)+INDIRECT(“R12C4”,false)-INDIRECT(“R12C5”,false) =INDIRECT(“R[-1]”,false)+INDIRECT(“C[-2]”,false)-INDIRECT(“C[-1]”,false) Both functions also allow to specify ranges, just use whatever has your personal preference (see Excel Help)…

Method for evaluating math expressions in Java

There’s also exp4j, an expression evaluator based on Dijkstra’s Shunting Yard. It’s freely available and redistributable under the Apache License 2.0, only about 25KB in size, and quite easy to use: Calculable calc = new ExpressionBuilder(“3 * sin(y) – 2 / (x – 2)”) .withVariable(“x”, varX) .withVariable(“y”, varY) .build() double result1=calc.calculate(); When using a newer … Read more

How to extract URL from Link in Google Sheets using a formula?

After some update in 2020 all codes I have found on the Internet were broken, so here is my contribution: /** * Returns the URL of a hyperlinked cell, if it’s entered with control + k. * Author: @Frederico Schardong based on and * Supports ranges */ function linkURL(reference) { var sheet = … Read more