How do I unset a variable in the fish shell?

Fish uses options on the set command to manipulate shell variables. Unset a variable with the -e or –erase option. set -e myvar Additionally you can define a function function unset set –erase $argv end funcsave unset or an abbreviation abbr –add unset ‘set –erase’ or an alias in ~/.config/fish/ alias unset ‘set –erase’

How to get virtualenv to work with fish shell?

You don’t need to activate to use virtualenv it is a convenience. You can just use the virtualenv directly: virtualenv venv ./venv/bin/pip install foo Have you tried from fish using: . venv/bin/ It probably isn’t as widely used as bash so may have issues – looking at the commit history shows a recent fix:

How to set environment variables in fish shell

Use Universal Variables. If the variable has to be shared between all the current user Fish instances on the current computer and preserved across restarts of the shell you can set them using -U or –universal. For example: set -Ux FOO bar Using set with -g or –global doesn’t set the variable persistently between shell … Read more

Modifying PATH with fish shell [closed]

As stated in the official fish tutorial, you can modify the $fish_user_paths universal variable. Run the following once from the command-line: set -U fish_user_paths /usr/local/bin $fish_user_paths This will prepend /usr/local/bin permanently to your path, and will affect the current session and all future instances too because the -U argument will make the variable universal. From … Read more