Understand Spark: Cluster Manager, Master and Driver nodes

1. The Cluster Manager is a long-running service, on which node it is running? Cluster Manager is Master process in Spark standalone mode. It can be started anywhere by doing ./sbin/start-master.sh, in YARN it would be Resource Manager. 2. Is it possible that the Master and the Driver nodes will be the same machine? I … Read more

Using SignalR with Redis messagebus failover using BookSleeve’s ConnectionUtils.Connect()

The SignalR team has now implemented support for a custom connection factory with StackExchange.Redis, the successor to BookSleeve, which supports redundant Redis connections via ConnectionMultiplexer. The initial problem encountered was that in spite of creating my own extension methods in BookSleeve to accept a collection of servers, fail-over was not possible. Now, with the evolution … Read more