TypeError: Cannot read property ‘push’ of undefined -Express
My problem was missing parentheses: const router = require(‘express’).Router; Changing this to const router = require(‘express’).Router(); solved my problem.
My problem was missing parentheses: const router = require(‘express’).Router; Changing this to const router = require(‘express’).Router(); solved my problem.
You should use “exphbs.engine” instead of “exphbs”. app.engine(‘.hbs’, exphbs.engine({ extname: ‘.hbs’, defaultLayout: “main”}));
From inside a static method, you can also create a new document by doing : schema.statics.createUser = function(callback) { var user = new this(); user.phone_number = “jgkdlajgkldas”; user.save(callback); };
req.params can only get the param of request url in this pattern:/user/:name req.query get query params(name) like /user?name=123 or body params.
After spending a few hours I realized need to change the Raw type in postman to JSON
Add the following line in addition to your current bodyParser app.use() right before: app.use(bodyParser.json()); This will enable bodyParser to parse content type of application/json. Hopefully that helps!
Add both engines and consolidate.js in your package.json In yourapp.js var engines = require(‘consolidate’); app.engine(‘jade’, engines.jade); app.engine(‘handlebars’, engines.handlebars); More info here
The answer in this related post is correct. You should: not mix options with connection string (if done so) make sure your IP you are running on is whitelisted and your network allows connections to Atlas make sure the user has sufficient permissions use the connection string as is provided by atlas and just provide … Read more
You do not need to use express, Next JS already has its own built-in server. However since express is popular, it is easier for developers to communicate with databases or handle other backend work.
If you’re sure your connection string is already well-formed like the one gnerkus described, the last thing you need to check is your password. If it’s contain non alphanumeric characters, maybe that’s the one who cause the issue. It seems either the Node.js or the way javascript work itself causing this (I’m not really sure … Read more