When to use an Event Bus? [closed]

Here is the problem statement that EventBus solves in a nutshell: “I want an easy, centralized way to notify code that’s interested in specific types of events when those events occur without any direct coupling between the code that publishes an event and the code that receives it.” When you say “the business logic for … Read more

EventBus/PubSub vs (reactive extensions) RX with respect to code clarity in a single threaded application

The following is what I see as benefits of using reactive event streams in a single-threaded synchronous application. 1. More declarative, less side-effects and less mutable state. Event streams are capable of encapsulating logic and state, potentially leaving your code without side-effects and mutable variables. Consider an application that counts button clicks and displays the … Read more

Is using event library like Otto or EventBus a recommended way to handle relations between Activities, Fragments, and background threads [closed]

The event bus and Otto are not “recommended ways” by the Android developer guide primarily because they are third party libraries to simplify the task. And I believe Otto is fairly new, so older guides obviously aren’t using it. I personally like Otto, it’s what I use and I haven’t had any problems with it … Read more