Converting dot to png in python

Load the file with pydot.graph_from_dot_file to get a pydot.Dot class instance. Then write it to a PNG file with the write_png method. import pydot (graph,) = pydot.graph_from_dot_file(‘’) graph.write_png(‘somefile.png’)

Rank attribute is confusing to me

Leaving the rank empty or using rank=same are used far more often. These other four are usually only used in special circumstances. When used alone, min and source have the same function: putting all those nodes on the minimum rank (the top row of a TB graph). The difference between them is that min will … Read more

GraphViz Node Placement and Rankdir

Two useful techniques for reproducing graph layouts are: Invisible nodes Rank constraints Here’s a quick try for the top nodes: digraph g{ ranksep=0.2; node[shape=box3d, width=2.3, height=0.6, fontname=”Arial”]; n1[label=”Incident Commander”]; n2[label=”Public Information\nOfficer”]; n3[label=”Liaison Officer”]; n4[label=”Safety Officer”]; n5[label=”Operations Section”]; n6[label=”Planning Section”]; n7[label=”Logistics Section”]; n8[label=”Finance/Admin. Section”]; node[shape=none, width=0, height=0, label=””]; edge[dir=none]; n1 -> p1 -> p2 -> p3; … Read more

size of node with shape=circle

From the DOT Guide on page 4 it says the following: When drawn, a node’s actual size is the greater of the requested size and the area needed for its text label, unless fixedsize=true, in which case the width and height values are enforced. Thus you simply need to add fixedsize=true to your code

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