Dockerfile, how install snap, snapd: unrecognized service

first of all, you don’t want to install the “snap” package, as it is not related to “snapd”. Secondly, myself stumbled across this issue of installing snapd within a docker container: TLDR; Running snapd that way is currently not supported. But that question has been asked already at the snapcraft forums. One of snapd’s dependencies … Read more

Dockerfile: how to set env variable from file contents

Environment Variables If you want to set a number of environment variables into your docker image (to be used within the containers) you can simply use env_file configuration option in your docker-compose.yml file. With that option, all the entries in the .env file will be set as the environment variables in image and hence into … Read more

What is the difference between alpine docker image and busybox docker image?

The key difference between these is that older versions of the busybox image statically linked busybox against glibc (current versions dynamically link busybox against glibc due to use of libnss even in static configuration), whereas the alpine image dynamically links against musl libc. Going into the weighting factors used to choose between these in detail … Read more

” Kubernetes is starting …..” forever error on windows 10 [closed]

I stucked in two kinds of error system pods running, found labels but still waiting for labels… xxxx: EOF I finally sovled it by following the advice by the following project, Do as it told you, if not work, remove ~/.kube and ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ directory, then restart docker desktop and wait like 5 minutes. … Read more

What is the need for Docker Daemon?

Docker client provides cli only, it is just an http api wrapper, Like aws cli. Docker daemon is the brain behind the whole operation, like aws itself. When you use docker run command to start up a container, your docker client will translate that command into http API call, sends it to docker daemon, Docker … Read more
