Showing dex method count by package
I’ve written a dex-method-counts tool that outputs per-package method counts faster and more accurately than the smali-based tools referenced in JesusFreke’s answer¹. It can be installed from [1] that script disassembles the .dex and re-assembles it by package, but this means that methods that are referenced by multiple packages are counted twice
Application too big? Unable to execute dex: Cannot merge new index into a non-jumbo instruction
Your error is for the amount of strings (methods, members, etc) in a single dex file. You need to compile you app using jumbo in dex with: dex.force.jumbo=true in This increment the limit for strings in a dex files. And your project will probably compile. Also with jumbo set, the is another limit of … Read more Unable to merge dex – Android Studio 3.0 stable
Go to <project>/app/ and open build.gradle file Add the following line to the defaultConfig and dependencies sections android { … defaultConfig { … multiDexEnabled true // ADD THIS LINE } } … dependencies { … implementation ‘’ // ADD THIS LINE }
Plugins architecture for an Android app? [closed]
I have done a framework that works like Robo-guice with some of its primary IoC functions. (Cut down on boilerplate codes that load views/service etc…) But the core of which, I believe is the solution to your problem, is the ability to load separate APK “plugin” files, that includes “res” as well as <layouts>.xml files. … Read more
Android Gradle: What is javaMaxHeapSize “4g”?
As it mentioned in the answer above, it is just an option to specify the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for dex operation. And it’s the same, as to provide to java the -xmx argument. Due to it’s source codes from here, it’s setter look like: if (theJavaMaxHeapSize.matches(“\\d+[kKmMgGtT]?”)) { javaMaxHeapSize … Read more
Dex error On Android Studio 3.0 Beta4
I have same problem with Android Studio 3.0 beta 4. I found a solution. 1. From the Build menu, press the Clean Project button. 2. After task completed, press the Rebuild Project button from the Build menu.