Why C++20 doesn’t support out-of-order designated initializer?

Yes, the rationale is covered in Annex C (informative) Compatibility specifically [diff.dcl]p10 (emphasis mine): Affected subclause: [dcl.init.aggr] Change: In C++, designated initialization support is restricted compared to the corresponding functionality in C. In C++, designators for non-static data members must be specified in declaration order, designators for array elements and nested designators are not supported, … Read more

Swift – Must call a designated initializer of the superclass SKSpriteNode error

init(texture: SKTexture!, color: UIColor!, size: CGSize) is the only designated initializer in the SKSpriteNode class, the rest are all convenience initializers, so you can’t call super on them. Change your code to this: class Creature: SKSpriteNode { var isAlive:Bool = false { didSet { self.hidden = !isAlive } } var livingNeighbours:Int = 0 init() { … Read more