Deep linking from Web to PWA (Standalone Version)

There is an example of describing intent filters in json here. The relevant section of the manifest is intent_filters { “manifest_package”: “org.chromium.webapk.test”, “scope_url”: “”, “intent_filters”: { “scope_url_scheme”: “https”, “scope_url_host”: “”, “scope_url_path”: “” }, “start_url”: “”, “display_mode”: “standalone”, “orientation”: “portrait”, “theme_color”: “2147483648L”, “background_color”: “2147483648L”, “icon_urls_and_icon_murmur2_hashes”: “ 0 0”, “web_manifest_url”: “”, “version_code”: “1”, “version_name”: “1.0”, “bound_webapk”: … Read more

Can I update window.location.hash without having the web page scroll?

To change the hash without having the page reload/scroll, you can now simply use html5 history.pushState. history.pushState(null,null,’#hashexample’); It’s supported by all the major browsers: MDN: Also note that the last url parameter we’re using here can be any url, so it’s not limited to hashes.

How to open flutter application from url?

You’ll want to view this from the perspective of: How do I open my iOS/Android app from a URL, ie. App Deep Linking. They each have their own respective implementations: android/app-links apple/allowing_apps_and_websites_to_link_to_your_content Or you can go with more comprehensive SDKs that are capable of doing both for you: Firebase Dynamic Links Deep Linking
