How to quickly generate SELECT statement with all columns for a table in DataGrip?

In DataGrip, as in other IntelliJ-based IDEs, everything is about source editing. What you want can be achieved this way: Open console Start typing sel, you’ll get completion popup (if not, hit Ctrl+Space) Choose sel here, which is live template for SELECT statement SELECT statement will be generated, asking for table name and column list … Read more

How do you set a cell to null in datagrip?

You can either: Select the field, right-click, and select “Set NULL” Select the field, press CTRL+ALT+N (on Windows). Note that boolean fields will show up as a box filled with a dash (-) when null. If the “Set NULL” option is not appearing, you might need to refresh the schema which you can do by … Read more

How to quickly generate SELECT statement for a table in DataGrip?

In DataGrip as other intellij-based IDEs everything is about source editing. So that can be achieved that way: Open console Start typing sel, you’ll get completion popup (if not, hit Ctrl+Space) Select sel here, which is live-template for select statement Select statement will be generated, asking for table name and column list Select desired table … Read more

Import a database to DataGrip(0xDBE)

In DataGrip go to File > Open and select your mysql dump file. Then right click the tab for the file to get the context menu, and select “Run [your filename…]” option. It may ask you to select your schema to apply the run to. But this is how I accomplished importing a dump from … Read more