Calling a method with Provider.of(context) inside of dispose() method cause “Looking up a deactivated widget’s ancestor is unsafe.”

It seems like you are trying to close something which is defined in your AppProvider class. If AppProvider class is extending ChangeNotifier, the change notifier class provides dispose method, you can override it and then call the close function inside the AppProvider class only.

Using a SliverFillRemaining with a CustomScrollView and SliverList

For anyone that is looking for an answer to this, I have a solution that has been working well whenever I needed something similar. This is how I’ve managed it: class ScrollOrFitBottom extends StatelessWidget { final Widget scrollableContent; final Widget bottomContent; ScrollOrFitBottom({this.scrollableContent, this.bottomContent}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return CustomScrollView( slivers: <Widget>[ SliverFillRemaining( hasScrollBody: false, … Read more

What is a sound programming language?

Taken from Dart’s language guide What is soundness? Soundness is about ensuring your program can’t get into certain invalid states. A sound type system means you can never get into a state where an expression evaluates to a value that doesn’t match the expression’s static type. For example, if an expression’s static type is String, … Read more

Flutter how to get cursor in text field to stop moving to the beginning?

You do not have to do controller..text = text; inside onChanged because the controller’s text automatically changes once you connect it to TextField. The reason is once you set some text to controller, it re-applies the text thus moving the cursor at front. In your case : TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none ), controller: controller, … Read more

Flutter: TextField difference between onEdittingComplete and onSubmitted

onSubmitted As the name suggestions, it’s called when user finishes editing, e.g. press “done” or “send” on the keyboard. The callback conveniently passes the value to you, so you can do your business logic with it. At the same time, since Flutter assumes the user is “done”, it will hide the on-screen keyboard. onEditingComplete This … Read more

Flutter: How would one save a Canvas/CustomPainter to an image file?

You can capture the output of a CustomPainter with PictureRecorder. Pass your PictureRecorder instance to the constructor for your Canvas. The Picture returned by PictureRecorder.endRecording can then be converted to an Image with Picture.toImage. Finally, extract the image bytes using Image.toByteData. Here’s an example:

Flutter – Is it possible to extract data from a Future without using a FutureBuilder?

FutureBuilder is just a convenient helper to get the widget tree rebuilt when a Future completes. You can use funcThatReturnsFuture().then((result) { print(result); setState(() { someVal = result; }) }) or Future funcThatMakesAsyncCall() async { var result = await funcThatReturnsFuture(); print(result); setState(() { someVal = result; }) } The main limitation is that you can’t return … Read more

What is the difference between == and === in Dart?

Dart supports == for equality and identical(a, b) for identity. Dart no longer supports the === syntax. Use == for equality when you want to check if two objects are “equal”. You can implement the == method in your class to define what equality means. For example: class Person { String ssn; String name; Person(this.ssn, … Read more

How to wrap row items in a card with flutter

I fixed your code with the following changes: Removed Row widget inside Wrap. Removed Expanded widget. Add the property maxLines to your Text widget. Widget _buildCategories() { return Card( margin: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 20.0), child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), child: Column( children: <Widget>[ Text( ‘Categories’, style: TextStyle(fontFamily: ‘MonteSerrat’, fontSize: 16.0), ), Wrap( children: <Widget>[ _checkBox(‘Gaming’), _checkBox(‘Sports’), … Read more