How to make a multi column Flutter DataTable widget span the full width?
You can add the crossAxisAlignment for your Column to strech crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch
You can add the crossAxisAlignment for your Column to strech crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch
You can now reverse the iteration of a list in Dart. Use the reversed getter on List. var fruits = [‘apples’, ‘oranges’, ‘pears’]; Iterable inReverse = fruits.reversed; var fruitsInReverse = inReverse.toList(); print(fruitsInReverse); // [pears, oranges, apples] You could shorten this to: var fruits = [‘apples’, ‘oranges’, ‘pears’]; print(fruits.reversed.toList()); See the API docs.
This method is based on manipulations with an HTML document. Some additional packages should be imported: import ‘dart:convert’; import ‘dart:html’ as html; // or package:universal_html/prefer_universal/html.dart Code snippet: final text=”this is the text file”; // prepare final bytes = utf8.encode(text); final blob = html.Blob([bytes]); final url = html.Url.createObjectUrlFromBlob(blob); final anchor = html.document.createElement(‘a’) as html.AnchorElement ..href = … Read more
The reason behind the error is says both material/bottom_sheet.dart and bottom_sheet_route exports the ModalBottomSheetRoute. ‘ModalBottomSheetRoute’ is imported from both ‘package:flutter/src/material/bottom_sheet.dart’ and ‘package:modal_bottom_sheet/src/bottom_sheet_route.dart’. In order to fix this issue we have to hide one of the ModalBottomSheetRoute. since we need this to be imported from bottom_sheet_route we need to hide it from material This is the … Read more
I got what i wanted eventually using this workaround. I hope it helps whoever might need something similar. Stack( children: <Widget>[ Positioned( left: 1.0, top: 2.0, child: Icon(icon, color: Colors.black54), ), Icon(icon, color: Colors.white), ], ),
Hey, I had the same issue this morning but found a fix. 1) Keep the analysis_options.yaml in your root folder with this code: analyzer: enable-experiment: – control-flow-collections 2) Don’t use brackets {} in between your for loops Ex: <Widget>[ for (final category in categories) CategoryWidget(category: category) ], 3) Important step which is probably why it’s … Read more
Use this code: DateFormat(‘hh:mm a’).format(; According to the intl library, it states that a represents AM/PM.
In Dart the as operator doesn’t allow you to change the actual structure of an Object, it just allows you to provide a hint that an object might have a more specific type. For example, if you had a dog and an animal class you could use as to specify that your animal is actually … Read more