Compute the ‘elbow’ for a curve automatically and mathematically

I created a Python package that attempts to implement the Kneedle algorithm. To recreate the function above and detect the point of maximum curvature: x = range(1,21) y = [0.065, 0.039, 0.030, 0.024, 0.023, 0.022, 0.019, 0.0185, 0.0187, 0.016, 0.015, 0.016, 0.0135, 0.0130, 0.0125, 0.0120, 0.0117, 0.0115, 0.0112, 0.013] kn = KneeLocator( x, y, curve=”convex”, … Read more

In Scipy how and why does curve_fit calculate the covariance of the parameter estimates

OK, I think I found the answer. First the solution: cov_x*s_sq is simply the covariance of the parameters which is what you want. Taking sqrt of the diagonal elements will give you standard deviation (but be careful about covariances!). Residual variance = reduced chi square = s_sq = sum[(f(x)-y)^2]/(N-n), where N is number of data … Read more

What is the difference between cubic bezier and quadratic bezier and their use cases?

As you’ve discovered, both Quadratic curves and Cubic Bezier curves just connect 2 points with a curve. Since the Cubic curve has more control points, it is more flexible in the path it takes between those 2 points. For example, let’s say you want to draw this letter “R”: Start drawing with the “non-curvey” parts … Read more

Draw a curve with css

You could use an asymmetrical border to make curves with CSS. border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0; VIEW DEMO .box { width: 500px; height: 100px; border: solid 5px #000; border-color: #000 transparent transparent transparent; border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0; } <div class=”box”></div>

Closest point on a cubic Bezier curve?

I’ve written some quick-and-dirty code that estimates this for Bézier curves of any degree. (Note: this is pseudo-brute force, not a closed-form solution.) Demo: /** Find the ~closest point on a Bézier curve to a point you supply. * out : A vector to modify to be the point on the curve * curve … Read more

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