Extracting text from a contentEditable div

Unfortunately you do still have to handle this for the pre case individually per-browser (I don’t condone browser detection in many cases, use feature detection…but in this case it’s necessary), but luckily you can take care of them all pretty concisely, like this: var ce = $(“<pre />”).html($(“#edit”).html()); if($.browser.webkit) ce.find(“div”).replaceWith(function() { return “\n” + this.innerHTML; … Read more

What is the default style of the blue focus outline in Chrome?

To answer the question, Webkit browsers use outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;. On Macs -webkit-focus-ring-color is blue rgb(94, 158, 214) (or #5E9ED6), but on Windows and Linux it’s gold rgb(229, 151, 0) (or #E59700) (ref). While I understand your desire for consistency, users generally only use one browser, and are used to their browser’s default styles. … Read more

How to replace selected text with html in a contenteditable element? [duplicate]

See here for working jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/dKaJ3/2/ function getSelectionHtml() { var html = “”; if (typeof window.getSelection != “undefined”) { var sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { var container = document.createElement(“div”); for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) { container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); } html = container.innerHTML; } } else if (typeof document.selection != … Read more

Limiting the number of characters in a ContentEditable div

Pass the event object to your function and call e.preventDefault() if the maximum is reached: var content_id = ‘editable_div’; max = 10; //binding keyup/down events on the contenteditable div $(‘#’+content_id).keyup(function(e){ check_charcount(content_id, max, e); }); $(‘#’+content_id).keydown(function(e){ check_charcount(content_id, max, e); }); function check_charcount(content_id, max, e) { if(e.which != 8 && $(‘#’+content_id).text().length > max) { // $(‘#’+content_id).text($(‘#’+content_id).text().substring(0, max)); … Read more

Any WYSIWYG rich text editor that doesn’t use HTML (contenteditable or designMode), a la (the new) Google Docs? [closed]

You could start with the Ace editor (formerly Bespin and Skywriter). It’s aimed at code editing, so it’s missing formatting and other features, but you may find a useful core of functionality to base a rich text editor on. In action: http://ajaxorg.github.com/ace/build/editor.html Code: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace Update: As @theazureshadow points out, the current editor doesn’t use canvas … Read more

trigger an event when contenteditable is changed

Just store the contents to a variable and check if it is different after blur() event. If it is different, store the new contents. var contents = $(‘.changeable’).html(); $(‘.changeable’).blur(function() { if (contents!=$(this).html()){ alert(‘Handler for .change() called.’); contents = $(this).html(); } }); example: http://jsfiddle.net/niklasvh/a4QNB/
