How can I allow Mixed contents (http with https) using content-security-policy meta tag?

You can’t. CSP is there to restrict content on your website, not to loosen browser restrictions. Secure https sites given users certain guarantees and it’s not really fair to then allow http content to be loaded over it (hence the mixed content warnings) and really not fair if you could hide these warnings without your … Read more

Trying to render iframe: ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “frame-ancestors ‘none'”

The frame-ancestors value acts on the source of the iframe not the document framing it. Setting CSP on your page will have no effect on the framing. Think of frame-ancestors like X-Frame-Options on steroids: it restricts what is allowed to frame the content. Gist intentionally does not allow directly framing gists but instead provides a … Read more

Content Security Policy: cannot load Google API in Chrome extension

I wrestled with this issue for the past 12 hours and finally got it to work. Why did it take so long? Because I got thrown off the trail multiple times. First, the false leads: “Make it HTTPS” — Doesn’t matter. My Chrome extension now makes regular HTTP calls to a different domain and works … Read more

Google Chrome Stripping nonce values from script tags

What’s described in the question is actually expected behavior — required per the HTML spec: Elements that have a nonce content attribute ensure that the crytographic nonce is only exposed to script (and not to side-channels like CSS attribute selectors) by extracting the value from the content attribute, moving it into an internal slot … Read more

How to use frame-src and child-src in Firefox and other browsers?

Update: Jan 2017: Stop using child-src and begin using frame-src again. In an effort to create even more confusion, CSP Level 3 has undeprecated frame-src and actually re-appointed it as the preferred way to achieve this. While child-src is still supported frame-src is once again preferred. Old post frame-src is deprecated, but it was only … Read more

Content Security Policy (CSP) Header: Onto each file or only the actual HTML pages?

The correct answer to my question was given as an answer to another, similar question. It refers to the CSP specification which clearly states, that the policy only affects resources which create a new “execution context”. This means, it is not necessary to add the CSP to REST API responses which are not meant to … Read more