How can I figure out which URL is being blocked by App Transport Security?

Editor Note: @jessedc points out in the comments below the link to the official Apple documentation on how to do this: Okay, I have an answer I don’t like! I still very much want a better one. In my application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method I added the line setenv(“CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS”, “3”, 1); When I ran the app then, … Read more

How to inspect websocket traffic with charlesproxy for iOS simulator/devices

I finally found the answer. Charles 3.11.2 works perfectly with WebSocket. I use socketIO, so I’ve already seen http requests sent during the negotiation phase, but I missed websockets traffic. In the beginning, socketIO try to use polling then switches to use websockets. The websocket traffic is visible when you go to the request with … Read more

dyld: Symbol not found: _NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate when trying to run iOS app

Edited to include two possible steps you need to take: Make sure you have Foundation framework to your project. (Remove and add it again to be sure). Make sure the Foundation framework include is before CFNetwork. There seems to be a change in which headers include what in iOS8.0 (the glextensions file, for example, is … Read more