CAS vs. SAML vs. OAuth2

CAS-Server: A stand-alone central login page where the user enters their credentials (i.e. their username and password). CAS supports the standardized SAML 1.1 protocol primarily to support attribute release to clients and single sign-out. (a table in a SQL database, ActiveDirectory/LDAP, Google accounts, etc.) Full compatibility with the open, multi-platform CAS protocol (CAS clients are … Read more

SSO with CAS or OAuth?

OpenID is not a ‘successor’ or ‘substitute’ for CAS, they’re different, in intent and in implementation. CAS centralizes authentication. Use it if you want all your (probably internal) applications to ask users to login to a single server (all applications are configured to point to a single CAS server). OpenID decentralizes authentication. Use it if … Read more