ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: jQuery with Poltergeist/Capybara

If jQuery is on the page you most likely have to use an evaluate function to enter the context of the page. CasperJS has this diagram The execution is sandboxed, the web page has no access to the phantom object and it can’t probe its own setting.

Chromedriver / Capybara Too many open files – socket(2) for “” port 9518

If you’re using WebMock in your specs, then add the following to your rails_helper.rb: WebMock.allow_net_connect!(net_http_connect_on_start: true) or WebMock.disable_net_connect!(net_http_connect_on_start: true) source:

Is it possible to take a screenshot of the whole page with Selenium/Capybara?

In case anyone washed up this shore looking for how to do this with Poltergeist you just need to pass the full argument: page.save_screenshot(‘screen.png’, full: true) # If providing a custom file name. page.save_screenshot(full: true) # Capybara sets a name based on timestamp. page.save_and_open_screenshot(‘screen.png’, full: true) # Same as save_screenshot. page.save_and_open_screenshot(full: true) # Same as … Read more

How to verify number of records using capybara

This should do the trick for your Cucumber step definition: page.has_css?(“div.records li”, :count => 2) There’s also page.has_xpath? (but I don’t understand xpath) If you’re using Rspec you can phrase it the Rspec way with: page.should have_css(“div.records li”, :count => 2) I had to solve a very similar problem just yesterday; here’s the full step … Read more

How do I set up a session value in Capybara?

The accepted answer suggests rack_session_access. It works by inserting middleware controllers to edit and update the session state, then has capybara visit that page and submit a form with the session data. Very ingenious! But unnecessary if you are using Warden (directly or through Devise). Warden has a hook on_next_request that gives access to the … Read more

Rails: How to use Capybara to test a link’s href-value without caring about the text?

To find a link based on just its href using capybara you could do link = page.find(:css, ‘a[href=”actual link”]’) or if you’re looking to assert that the element exists page.assert_selector(:css, ‘a[href=”actual link”]’) or – if using RSpec expect(page).to have_selector(:css, ‘a[href=”actual link”]’) Since have link by default searches for substrings in the link text you can … Read more