Caliburn.Micro support for PasswordBox?

Here’s a much more simplified example, including a binding convention so that PasswordBox binding in Caliburn.Micro Just Works™: public static class PasswordBoxHelper { public static readonly DependencyProperty BoundPasswordProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(“BoundPassword”, typeof(string), typeof(PasswordBoxHelper), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(string.Empty, OnBoundPasswordChanged)); public static string GetBoundPassword(DependencyObject d) { var box = d as PasswordBox; if (box != null) { // this funny … Read more

Autofac and Func factories

You are calling secVMFactory outside of your FirstViewModel constructor so by that time the ResolveOperation is disposed and in your factory method the c.Resolve will throw the exception. Luckily the exception message is very descriptive and telling you what to do: When registering components using lambdas, the IComponentContext ‘c’ parameter to the lambda cannot be … Read more

MVVM, Unity, Prism, MEF, Caliburn – What should I use?

If you want to build an MVVM application (which you probably do for various advantages), then you want an MVVM framework. I would recommend Caliburn.Micro, as it is straightforward to implement following the examples on the Caliburn.Micro documentation page. It also has a very compelling convention over configuration mechanism, and uses an Actions system to … Read more