What is the purpose and usage of `memory_resource`?

A polymorphic_allocator is intended to let you have an allocator whose behavior is dynamically determined at runtime. The only way to create a polymorphic_allocator is: Default constructed, in which case it uses std::pmr::get_default_resource() return value, which is a memory_resource*. Pass it a memory_resource*. copy from another polymorphic_allocator. So the point of customization for a polymorphic_allocator … Read more

Will C++17 allow forward declaration of nested classes?

There’s a proposal on the issue titled Forward declarations of nested classes P0289R0. However as you can see from the last Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Jacksonville, February 2016, this proposal was pendent to proposals for which further work is encouraged. I’m quoting the verdict of the committee (Emphasis Mine): This would allow things … Read more

Using std::variant with recursion, without using boost::recursive_wrapper

boost::variant will heap allocate in order to have part of itself be recursively defined as itself. (It will also heap allocate in a number of other situations, uncertain how many) std::variant will not. std::variant refuses to heap allocate. There is no way to actually have a structure containing a possible variant of itself without a … Read more

What is the point of `std::make_optional`

One example of the difference is when you want (for whatever reason) to make an optional containing an optional: #include <optional> #include <type_traits> int main() { auto inner=std::make_optional(325); auto opt2=std::make_optional(inner); // makes std::optional<std::optional<int>> auto opt3=std::optional(inner); // just a copy of inner static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(opt2), std::optional<std::optional<int>>>); static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(opt3), std::optional<int>>); }

Are function attributes inherited?

I sent an email to the C++ committee, specifically the Core working group, and provided the above example. CoryKramer It is currently unclear from the standard if attributes applied to virtual functions are inherited. Response: They are not. For them to be inherited, the Standard would have to explicitly say so, and it does not. … Read more

A shared recursive mutex in standard C++

Recursive property of the mutex operates with the term “owner“, which in case of a shared_mutex is not well-defined: several threads may have .lock_shared() called at the same time. Assuming “owner” to be a thread which calls .lock() (not .lock_shared()!), an implementation of the recursive shared mutex can be simply derived from shared_mutex: class shared_recursive_mutex: … Read more

How do I check if an std::variant can hold a certain type

Edit: I actually dig your std::disjunction idea, and it absolutely works. You just have to extract the type list using template specialization. My entire old-school recursive mess becomes simply: template<typename T, typename VARIANT_T> struct isVariantMember; template<typename T, typename… ALL_T> struct isVariantMember<T, std::variant<ALL_T…>> : public std::disjunction<std::is_same<T, ALL_T>…> {}; Original answer: Here’s a simple template that accomplishes … Read more

How to convert an enum to a string in modern C++

Magic Enum header-only library provides static reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for C++17. #include <magic_enum.hpp> enum Color { RED = 2, BLUE = 4, GREEN = 8 }; Color color = Color::RED; auto color_name = magic_enum::enum_name(color); // color_name -> “RED” std::string color_name{“GREEN”}; auto color = magic_enum::enum_cast<Color>(color_name) if (color.has_value()) { // color.value() -> … Read more

What are the constraints on the user using STL’s parallel algorithms?

The short answer is that the element access functions (essentially the operations required by the algorithms on the various arguments; see below for details) used with algorithms using the execution policy std::execution::parallel are not allowed to cause data races or dead-locks. The element access functions used with algorithms using the execution policy std::execution::parallel_unsequenced_policy additionally can’t … Read more
