variantOutput.getPackageApplication() is obsolete

variantOutput.getPackageApplication() is being caused by a changed variant API. changing output.outputFile.parent to variant.getPackageApplicationProvider().get().outputs.files[1] is at least a temporary workaround. source: @Selvin. variant.getExternalNativeBuildTasks() is being caused by the io.fabric plugin. the next version of the io.fabric plugin will use variant.getExternalNativeBuildProviders(). source: 116408637; the confirmation for a promised fix (1.28.1). These are caused by registerResGeneratingTask is … Read more

Error: The apk for your currently selected variant (Unknown output) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (debug)

This occurred to me too, this might happen because the default signing configuration is modified after upgrading to Gradle 7.0.0. You can fix this without downgrading the Gradle. To do this, go to File menu > Project Structure. Step Reference Image 1 then go to Modules section Step Reference Image 2 then head to Default … Read more

ERROR: No signature of method:

EDIT: Before proceeding to the solution below, please at first update to the latest stable version of fabric gradle tools and check if the problem is fixed. At the time of this edit, some claim that updating to version 1.31.2 has fixed the issue. This seems to be an issue related to version “1.28.0” of … Read more

Getting error says – “Entry name ‘res/layout/test_toolbar.xml’ collided” while creating signed apk

Before reading the solution below, please read my update from 01.04.2020, the problem is deeper and it is in your code. I’ve got the same problem after this 3.6 update. The fast solution is: delete projectFolder\build delete projectFolder\debug* delete projectFolder\release* delete projectFolder\app\build delete projectFolder\app\build\debug* delete projectFolder\app\build\release* So you need to delete all of the builds, … Read more
