How do I use vagrant and browsersync with local domain?

Here’s how I got it working. I added port forwarding to vagrant and then I launch browser-sync from within the vm. Everything works now at and Here’s what I added to my Vagrantfile: :forwarded_port, guest: 3000, host: 3000, auto_correct: true :forwarded_port, guest: 3001, host: 3001, auto_correct: true

BrowserSync Cannot GET /

Using BrowserSync as a server only works if you’re running a static site, so PHP won’t work here. Looks like you’re using XAMPP to serve your site, you can use BrowserSync to proxy your localhost. Example: browser-sync start –proxy localhost/yoursite References:

Webpack –watch and launching nodemon?

Install the following dependencies: npm install npm-run-all webpack nodemon Configure your package.json file to something as seen below: package.json { … “scripts”: { “start” : “npm-run-all –parallel watch:server watch:build”, “watch:build” : “webpack –watch”, “watch:server” : “nodemon \”./dist/index.js\” –watch \”./dist\”” }, … } After doing so, you can easily run your project by using npm start. … Read more

Node update a specific package

Most of the time you can just npm update (or pnpm update or yarn upgrade) a module to get the latest non breaking changes (respecting the semver specified in your package.json) (<– read that last part again). npm update browser-sync ——- pnpm update browser-sync ——- yarn upgrade browser-sync Use [p]npm|yarn outdated to see which modules … Read more

Stylesheet not loaded because of MIME-type

For Node.js applications, check your configuration: app.use(express.static(__dirname + ‘/public’)); Notice that /public does not have a forward slash at the end, so you will need to include it in your href option of your HTML: href=””> If you did include a forward slash (/public/) then you can just do href=””.
