Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http, Version=

Set Copy Local to true in the properties for the System.Web.Http and System.Web.Http.WebHost assemblies and redeploy the package. If this doesn’t solve your problem completely try reinstalling the NuGet package. This will hopefully correct broken dependencies. From the package management console, run this command: Update-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi -reinstall Make sure to install System.Web.Http.WebHost as well.

Assembly Binding Redirection and Code Analysis

Just to supplement with a little more precise answer: You need to either run FxCopCmd.exe with: fxcopcmd.exe /assemblyCompareMode:StrongNameIgnoringVersion or modify your Visual Studio project file for each build configuration’s property group, like this: <PropertyGroup Condition=” ‘$(Configuration)|$(Platform)’ == ‘Release|AnyCPU’ “> … <CodeAnalysisAdditionalOptions>/assemblyCompareMode:StrongNameIgnoringVersion</CodeAnalysisAdditionalOptions> </PropertyGroup>

What is the meaning/reason for the generated entries in web.config>configuration>runtime>assemblyBinding?

Does this mean if I have a web project that depends on a class library and that class library has a reference to an older version of the assembly which has a a bindingRedirect, that the code will execute as if it were compiled against the newer version? You have it right (I would just … Read more