Accessing UserManager outside AccountController

If you’re using the default project template, the UserManager gets created the following way: In the Startup.Auth.cs file, there’s a line like this: app.CreatePerOwinContext<ApplicationUserManager>(ApplicationUserManager.Create); that makes OWIN pipeline instantiate an instance of ApplicationUserManager each time a request arrives at the server. You can get that instance from OWIN pipeline using the following code inside a … Read more

How do I properly register AutoFac in a basic MVC5.1 website?

Here’s what I have – feedback welcome! Global.asax.cs: public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication { protected void Application_Start() { // Register Inversion of Control dependencies IoCConfig.RegisterDependencies(); // Typical MVC setup // …. } } App_Start folder: public class IoCConfig { /// <summary> /// For more info see /// : (mvc4 instructions) /// </summary> public static void … Read more

How to access Facebook private information by using ASP.NET Identity (OWIN)?

Create a new Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook.AuthenticationOptions object in Startup.ConfigureAuth (StartupAuth.cs), passing it the FacebookAppId, FacebookAppSecret, and a new AuthenticationProvider. You will use a lambda expression to pass the OnAuthenticated method some code to add Claims to the identity which contain the values you extract from context.Identity. This will include access_token by default. You must add email to … Read more