npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, need: Basic realm=”Artifactory Realm”

Artifactory moved to support APIKEY only. If your old _auth was base64 encoding of username:password or username:encrypted_password then both are unacceptable now. You must use APIKEY in place of these. So, the supported _auth now becomes: _auth: APIKEY But ironically, even this didn’t work in some cases. Following seemed to be more reliable: You need … Read more

Can Nexus or Artifactory store simple tar.gz artifacts?

Both Artifactory and Nexus can handle any type of file, as they both are “Binary Repository Managers”. Albeit that, Nexus can technically store any file, but lacks support for binaries that do not adhere to the Maven repository layout. For example, such files will not be indexed and cannot be retrieved in searches; Also, if … Read more

NPM lockfiles/shrinkwrap get random “dl” parameter tacked on to the “resolved” URL

I think the root of your problem is likely caching. NPM caches packages that have been downloaded, so they don’t have to be downloaded again, and they can even be re-installed offline if necessary. It also caches the resolved value for later use. If a package of the same version has already been resolved and … Read more

Gradle artifactory plugin saying “Cannot cast object ‘org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.dsl.ArtifactoryPluginConvention’…”

The problem was that when I added the various bits to the sibling project that meant I had two projects defining the buildscript {} section. buildscript { … dependencies { classpath group:’org.jfrog.buildinfo’, name: ‘build-info-extractor-gradle’, version: ‘3.0.1’ } } Apparently that caused two different versions of the dependency to exist in the classpath, hence the error. … Read more

Use public maven repository with ivy

You need to add an ivysettings.xml file with the following repositories listed (resolvers in ivy speak) <ivysettings> <settings defaultResolver=”chain”/> <resolvers> <chain name=”chain”> <ibiblio name=”central” m2compatible=”true”/> <ibiblio name=”example” m2compatible=”true” root=””/> </chain> </resolvers> </ivysettings> In my opinion it makes more sense to separate the dependency declaration (ivy.xml) from the mechanism of retrieval (settings.xml). This is not needed … Read more
