Facebook app creation app domain error

Facebook changed their user interface for developer apps, so this can be tricky to find. For future people visiting: Click Apps and then select your app. Click the Settings button on the left side of the screen. In the Basic settings, click the Add Platform button below the settings configuration. Select Website in the platform … Read more

How to keep ASP.NET assemblies in AppDomain alive?

In IIS 6, go to the Application Pools section, and right-click > Properties on the pool which hosts the ASP.NET application in question. Go to the Performance tab and uncheck “Shutdown worker processes after being idle for:” In IIS 7, go to the Connections pane and find Application Pools, and select Advanced Settings for the … Read more

Replacing Process.Start with AppDomains

Application domains and cross-domain interaction is a very thin matter, so one should make sure he really understands how thing work before doing anything… Mmm… Let’s say, “non-standard” 🙂 First of all, your stream-creating method actually executes on your “default” domain (surprise-surprise!). Why? Simple: the method that you pass into AppDomain.DoCallBack is defined on an … Read more

Good example of use of AppDomain

Probably the most common one is to load assemblies that contain plug-in code from untrusted parties. The code runs in its own AppDomain, isolating the application. Also, it’s not possible to unload a particular assembly, but you can unload AppDomains. For the full rundown, Chris Brumme had a massive blog entry on this: http://blogs.msdn.com/cbrumme/archive/2003/06/01/51466.aspx https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cbrumme/appdomains-application-domains/

How to unload an assembly from the primary AppDomain?

For .net versions core 3.0 and later: You can now unload assemblies. Note that appdomains are no longer available in .net core. Instead, you can create one or more AssemblyLoadContext, load your assemblies via that context, then unload that context. See AssemblyLoadContext, or this tutorial that simulates loading a plugin then unloading it. For .net … Read more

List AppDomains in Process

You may want to look at this post using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // Add the following as a COM reference – C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vXXXXXX\mscoree.tlb using mscoree; public static IList<AppDomain> GetAppDomains() { IList<AppDomain> _IList = new List<AppDomain>(); IntPtr enumHandle = IntPtr.Zero CorRuntimeHostClass host = new mscoree.CorRuntimeHostClass(); try { host.EnumDomains(out enumHandle); object domain = null; while (true) { host.NextDomain(enumHandle, out domain); … Read more

Usage of AppDomain in C#

The single most important use is that your code has to have one – i.e. everything you write in C# executes in an AppDomain. That is quite important ;-p If you mean additional app-domains: When using plugins and other untrusted code, it allows you both isolation, and the ability to unload them (you can’t unload … Read more

I don’t understand Application Domains

AppDomains best visualized as a very light weight process. There can be N AppDomains per .Net Process but generally speaking there is only one. The real advantage of AppDomains is they provide an isolation boundary within your process. Objects can only talk to each other across an AppDomain boundary via remoting or serialization. It’s also … Read more