ag-grid vs slick-grid vs angular-grid which is better? [closed]

Disclosure: I’m the founder and CEO of ag-Grid. First, some clarification on the question, ag-Grid used to be called angular-grid, however I presume you meant angular-ui-grid (or simply ui-grid), so allow me to answer ag-grid vs slick-grid vs ui-grid. The answer is ag-Grid. For reference, these are the sites: ag-Grid, ui-grid, slick-grid All grids are … Read more

Angular UI Grid ‘gridApi.infiniteScroll.on.needLoadMoreData’ doesn’t work with changes in data

var app = angular.module(‘app’, [‘ngTouch’, ‘ui.grid’, ‘ui.grid.infiniteScroll’]); app.controller(‘MainCtrl’, function ($scope, $http, $timeout) { var vm = this; vm.gridOptions = { infiniteScrollRowsFromEnd: 40, infiniteScrollUp: true, infiniteScrollDown: true, columnDefs: [ { name:’id’}, { name:’name’ }, { name:’age’ } ], data: ‘data’, onRegisterApi: function(gridApi){ gridApi.infiniteScroll.on.needLoadMoreData($scope, getDataDown); gridApi.infiniteScroll.on.needLoadMoreDataTop($scope, getDataUp); vm.gridApi = gridApi; } }; $ = []; vm.firstPage = … Read more

Best way to represent a Grid or Table in AngularJS with Bootstrap 3? [closed]

After trying out ngGrid, ngTable, trNgGrid and Smart Table, I have come to the conclusion that Smart Table is by far the best implementation AngularJS-wise and Bootstrap-wise. It is built exactly the same way as you would build your own, naive table using standard angular. On top of that, they have added a few directives … Read more
