Execute task every second using Work Manager API
Its not working because, the minimum interval between two periodic work request is 15 min which is defined by MIN_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_MILLIS. Based on the documentation: Creates a PeriodicWorkRequest to run periodically once every interval period. The PeriodicWorkRequest is guaranteed to run exactly one time during this interval. The intervalMillis must be greater than or equal to … Read more
Android Work Manager: “Could not instantiate Worker”
I had the same issue. The cause of the issue for me was that my Worker class was a nested class. The moment I made it an independent class, it worked.
How does setExpedited work and is it as good&reliable as a foreground service?
Conceptually Foreground Services & Expedited Work are not the same thing. Only a OneTimeWorkRequest can be run expedited as these are time sensitive. Any Worker can request to be run in the foreground. That might succeed depending on the app’s foreground state. A Worker can try to run its work in the foreground using setForeground[Async]() … Read more
Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent, On AlarmPingSender
Add the following to your build.gradle(app) dependencies. dependencies { // For Java implementation ‘’ // For Kotlin implementation ‘’ }
WorkManager vs AlarmManager, what to use depending on the case
Should I use AlarmManager directly for this ? Yes you should. AlarmManager is the best option as far as I know to handle tasks like yours and also is the safer option when dealing with doze mode. Use the first alarm to set the second alarm at a specific time. Should I use WorkManager to … Read more
Asynchronous Worker in Android WorkManager
I used a countdownlatch and waited for this to reach 0, which will only happen once the asynchronous callback has updated it. See this code: public WorkerResult doWork() { final WorkerResult[] result = {WorkerResult.RETRY}; CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance(); db.collection(“collection”).whereEqualTo(“this”,”that”).get().addOnCompleteListener(task -> { if(task.isSuccessful()) { task.getResult().getDocuments().get(0).getReference().update(“field”, “value”) .addOnCompleteListener(task2 -> { if (task2.isSuccessful()) … Read more