Android Studio Instrumentation testing build variant

You can do testing on a different build variant; but only on one. The default is debug. See this: Currently only one Build Type is tested. By default it is the debug Build Type, but this can be reconfigured with: android { … testBuildType “staging” }

How to grant permissions to android instrumented tests?

Use GrantPermissionRule. Here’s how: Add the following dependency to app/build.gradle: dependencies { … androidTestImplementation ‘androidx.test:rules:1.4.0’ } Now add the following to your InstrumentedTest class: import androidx.test.rule.GrantPermissionRule; public class InstrumentedTest { @Rule public GrantPermissionRule mRuntimePermissionRule = GrantPermissionRule.grant(Manifest.permission.READ_SMS); … }

Error: The apk for your currently selected variant (Unknown output) is not signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (debug)

This occurred to me too, this might happen because the default signing configuration is modified after upgrading to Gradle 7.0.0. You can fix this without downgrading the Gradle. To do this, go to File menu > Project Structure. Step Reference Image 1 then go to Modules section Step Reference Image 2 then head to Default … Read more

AndroidX : No instrumentation registered! Must run under a registering instrumentation

Update You should no longer encounter this error if youre using the latest gradle version. I also encountered this issue. If you look at migrating to Robolectric 4.0 here, it suggest to add the following line in your android.enableUnitTestBinaryResources=true The problem is that, if you add this you your, it will output this … Read more

Run all unit tests in Android Studio

Not sure what version of Android Studio this was added in, but I’m using Android Studio 3.4. In the Project Explorer Window, select the Project View. Right click on your root project and select “Create ‘All Tests’…” …this window will appear (these defaults need to be changed) Change the following options: Search for tests: In … Read more