How can I center the text in the headers for an AG-grid control?

I’m using React and I just added the following snippet to my Table component’s .css .ag-header-cell-label { justify-content: center; } I’m overriding the .css class class from ag-grid which I found via devtools inspection, and discovered it’s using flexbox for display. See example (not react but same concept):

How to use a checkbox for a boolean data with ag-grid

You should use the cellRenderer property const columnDefs = [{ headerName: ‘Refunded’, field: ‘refunded’, editable:true, cellRenderer: params => { return `<input type=”checkbox” ${params.value ? ‘checked’ : ”} />`; } }]; I was stuck in the same problem , this is the best I could come up with but I wasn’t able to bind the value … Read more
