If you are looking for performance only I believe that using StringBuilder/StringBuffer
is the most efficient way to build strings. Even if the Java compiler is smart enough to translate most of String concatenations to StringBuilder
If you are looking for readability the String.format
thing is the much clearer I think, and this is what I use also unless I need to rely on high performance.
So if your main concern is not performance, meaning this code is not in a path that is called a lot, you may prefer to use String.format
as it gives a better idea of the resulting String (like you said).
Besides, using String.format
lets you use the format thing, which means you can use it for padding Strings, formatting numbers, dates, and so on, which would make the code even worse if using simple concatenation.
Edit for Chuu:
Using JAD, you can see that the following code:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "a" + "b" + "c";
String str2 = "foo" + str + "bar" + str;
when decompiled will look like:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "abc";
String str2 = new StringBuilder("foo").append(str).append("bar").append(str).toString();
Proof of that can also be found using the javap
utility that will show you the Java bytecode under a .class
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args);
0 ldc <String "abc"> [16]
2 astore_1 [str]
3 new java.lang.StringBuilder [18]
6 dup
7 ldc <String "foo"> [20]
9 invokespecial java.lang.StringBuilder(java.lang.String) [22]
12 aload_1 [str]
13 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [25]
16 ldc <String "bar"> [29]
18 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [25]
21 aload_1 [str]
22 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.append(java.lang.String) : java.lang.StringBuilder [25]
25 invokevirtual java.lang.StringBuilder.toString() : java.lang.String [31]
28 astore_2 [str2]
29 getstatic java.lang.System.out : java.io.PrintStream [35]
32 aload_2 [str2]
33 invokevirtual java.io.PrintStream.println(java.lang.String) : void [41]
36 return