Storing query results into a variable and modifying it inside a Stored Procedure

Yup, this is possible of course. Here are several examples.

-- one way to do this
DECLARE @Cnt int

SELECT @Cnt = COUNT(SomeColumn)
FROM TableName
GROUP BY SomeColumn

-- another way to do the same thing
DECLARE @StreetName nvarchar(100)
SET @StreetName = (SELECT Street_Name from Streets where Street_ID = 123)

-- Assign values to several variables at once
DECLARE @val1 nvarchar(20)
DECLARE @val2 int
DECLARE @val3 datetime
DECLARE @val4 uniqueidentifier
DECLARE @val5 double

SELECT @val1 = TextColumn,
@val2 = IntColumn,
@val3 = DateColumn,
@val4 = GuidColumn,
@val5 = DoubleColumn
FROM SomeTable

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