secTaskDiagnoseEntitlements MISSING keychain entitlements: no stored taskRef found

This error message typically arises when the application tries to access the Keychain but lacks the appropriate entitlements. While these warnings don’t necessarily affect the operation of your application, they may indicate that some Keychain operations aren’t functioning as expected.

Based on my experience I would like to share with you a few suggestions that could potentially solve the issue:

1. Check your app’s entitlements: Ensure that your app and its extensions have the necessary entitlements for Keychain access. You can do this in Xcode by going to your project target > Signing & Capabilities > “+ Capability” > Keychain Sharing.

2. Keychain Group Name: The name of the Keychain Group should be prefixed with your App ID. For example, if your App ID is, your Keychain Group should be something like

3. Ensure correct configuration for all your targets: If your application has multiple targets (such as WatchKit Extension, Widget Extension etc), make sure they all have the same Keychain access group and are properly configured.

4. Correct provisioning profiles: Ensure that the correct provisioning profiles are used for each target. Incorrect provisioning profiles can cause Keychain access issues.

5. App Groups: If you’re using App Groups for data sharing between your app and its extensions, make sure it’s correctly configured. This is a common pitfall.

6. Clean and Rebuild: Sometimes, Xcode can have some caching issues which may lead to such errors. So, do a clean build folder (Shift+Cmd+K) and rebuild the project.

Remember, in order for keychain items to be shared among apps, or between an app and its extension, they must have a common keychain access group in their entitlements, and all apps and extensions must be signed by the same development team.

If after all these steps, the warning persists, it might just be a bug in Apple’s logging system. In this case, you can safely ignore it.

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