Reload component Y imported with ‘from X import Y’

From my tests, the marked answer, which suggests a simple reload(X), does not work.

From what I can tell the correct answer is:

from importlib import reload # python 2.7 does not require this
import X
reload( X )
from X import Y

My test was the following (Python 2.6.5 + bpython

def Y():
    print "Test 1"


>>> from X import Y
>>> print Y()
Test 1
>>> # Edit to say "Test 2"
>>> print Y()
Test 1
>>> reload( X )  # doesn't work because X not imported yet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'X' is not defined
>>> import X
>>> print Y()
Test 1
>>> print X.Y()
Test 1
>>> reload( X ) # No effect on previous "from" statements
>>> print Y()
Test 1
>>> print X.Y() # first one that indicates refresh
Test 2
>>> from X import Y
>>> print Y()
Test 2 
>>> # Finally get what we were after

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