Reload an entity and all Navigation Property Association- DbSet Entity Framework

If you don’t use lazy loading, you have the load the new Address explicitly (as you had to load it explicitly (with Include, for example), when you loaded the Person initially):

// If the person refers to another Address in the DB
// myPerson.Address will be null now

if (myPerson.Address == null)
    context.Entry(myPerson).Reference(p => p.Address).Load();
    // myPerson.Address will be populated with the new Address now

If you use lazy loading, you don’t need the second code block. Nonetheless, you get a new query to the database as soon as you access properties of the new myPerson.Address (like you have a new query in the second code block above) because the first line will mark the navigation property as not loaded if the person refers to a new address in the DB.

This behaviour doesn’t depend on whether you have exposed the foreign key in the model class or not.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to call some single magic Reload method which would reload and update the whole object graph in one call (similar like there is no single Include to eager load a complete object graph).

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