Registry Key ‘…’ has value ‘1.7’, but ‘1.6’ is required. Java 1.7 is Installed and the Registry is Pointing to it

This happens when you somehow confused java itself. You are trying to run a java 6 VM where it found a JRE 7. It might show this problem even if you type in the command line just java or java -version in a misconfigured environment. The JAR is not the problem, except in the very unlikely case where the code in JAR is looking in the Windows Registry for that (which probably is not your case).

In my case, I had the java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe from Java 6 in the Windows/System32 folder (don’t know how it got to be there). The rest of the JDK and JRE where found in the PATH inside C:\Java\jdk_1.7.0\bin. Oops!

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