Qt: How to organize Unit Test with more than one class?

As per the solution you linked to, the way to accomplish testing two (or more) classes within a single Qt unit test project is to ensure that each class to be tested has a corresponding test class, and that you’ve created a custom int main that executes each test class.

For example:

class TestClassA : public QObject


private Q_SLOTS:
   void testCase1();

class TestClassB : public QObject


private Q_SLOTS:
   void testCase2();

void TestClassA::testCase1()
   // Define test here.

void TestClassB::testCase2()
   // Define test here.

// Additional tests defined here.

// Note: This is equivalent to QTEST_APPLESS_MAIN for multiple test classes.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   int status = 0;
      TestClassA tc;
      status |= QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv);
      TestClassB tc;
      status |= QTest::qExec(&tc, argc, argv);
   return status;

Obviously, the different test classes can be spread out over multiple translation units, then simply included in the translation unit with your int main. Don’t forget to include the appropriate .moc files.

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